Confounding URL typists since 2007.

Monthly Archives: August 2010

Rails 3.0 release!


So, the Rails team released Rails 3.0 yesterday, on my birthday. I am claiming it as my birthday present. Anyway, I ran a quick test on MetaWhere and MetaSearch and everything is still passing, so we should be good to go! Let me know if it’s not the case.

Filed under Blog
Aug 30, 2010

H8ball, the HTTP Status 8-ball


So, there’s this pointless little side project I did last week. It’s called h8ball, and it’s completely stupid. I’ll say it first so you don’t have to. Still, I figured I’d make a quick post about it, all the same, just so you’d know how something so random and stupid came to be.
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Filed under Blog
Aug 26, 2010

Why MetaWhere 0.9.2 raises errors (and why you’ll thank me later)


If you updated MetaWhere recently, and your application started raising MetaWhereInAssociationErrors, I’m sorry. But not too sorry. Because that error probably saved you from running into strange, confusing problems later. Let me explain.
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Filed under Blog
Aug 26, 2010

Coder Archetypes: The Line Worker and the Artist


It’s no secret that there are two types of coders out there. The first went out and got a CS degree because someone once told him that there’s a good future in anything having to do with computers. We’ll call him the Line Worker. The second has a passion for coding. His degree might not be in CS. He may not even have a degree (oh, the humanity!), but he loves to code. He’s an Artist. It’s not just a day job for him. Companies who don’t seek out and retain Artists are doomed.
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Filed under Blog
Aug 4, 2010