Confounding URL typists since 2007.

Monthly Archives: July 2011

Benchmarking Ruby’s Enumerable


Lately, I’ve been spending some time filtering data sets in Ruby. A common pattern when filtering data on multiple criteria involves short-circuiting processing at the first match or non-match, depending on whether conditions are being evaluated in an any/or or all/and context, respectively. As a result, I thought I’d run a few quick benchmarks on several implementations of this pattern. The results surprised me, so I thought I would share them here. Read the rest of this post

Filed under Blog
Jul 16, 2011

Thoughts on the Facebook “Event”


By my use of sarcastic quotes in the title, I suppose you can surmise that my general opinion is that the Facebook “Something Awesome” event, wasn’t. Group text chat, a new design, and Skype integration? Seriously?
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Filed under Blog
Jul 6, 2011

What’s new with Squeel?


Why, I’m glad you asked! It’s been a while since I’ve made any updates about Squeel — since before RailsConf, actually! A lot’s been added since then.
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Filed under Blog
Jul 3, 2011