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Tag Archives: coding

What’s new with Squeel?


Why, I’m glad you asked! It’s been a while since I’ve made any updates about Squeel — since before RailsConf, actually! A lot’s been added since then.
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Filed under Blog
Jul 3, 2011

“WTH is happening to Rails?” I’ll tell you.


I just read the blog post that got some traction on HN last night, entitled “What the hell is happening to rails?” It goes on to list a litany of complaints against changes in Rails 3.x, ranging from the default commenting of the catch-all route to, yes, of course, CoffeeScript. They all end up sounding a lot like “I don’t like change,” an argument we’ve all heard before. The difference is that Steve Coast, the post’s author, casts himself in the role of a crusader for the newbies. He says that he, personally, “gets” why these changes were made, but that the most recent versions of Rails are actually harder to learn than the older ones were. The post highlighted two things, to me:

  1. Some people still miss the point of Ruby on Rails, even after all these years.
  2. There’s a difference between “easy to learn” and “easy to use,” and when these competing goals butt heads, the latter should always win out.

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Filed under Blog
Jun 14, 2011

Scaling Web Applications: My “3 Questions” Philosophy


As I see it, any reasonable plan for scaling web applications is going to address 3 questions:

  1. How can we accomplish more work?
  2. How can we give the appearance of accomplishing more work?
  3. How can we avoid doing work that doesn’t matter?

So, how do we address these questions? Well, first, we remember that to the end user, the perception that the application is functioning correctly and with reasonable speed is of topmost importance. Everything else lines up behind these two considerations. Since perception is reality, we quickly discover that we can cheat, and the challenge comes in determining where, when, and how to do so.
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Filed under Blog
Jun 2, 2011



Today, I’m feeling mostly recovered from my first ever RailsConf, so I thought I would take some time to reflect on what I learned there, and share it with you, my dear reader. So, here we go, in no particular order…
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Filed under Blog
May 24, 2011

Introducing Squeel!


Not too long ago, I mentioned that a rename for MetaWhere 2.0 was coming. It’s here, and the new name is Squeel. A lot has happened since my post about the rewrite a couple months ago, but before we get into that, a bit about the name…
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Filed under Blog
Apr 13, 2011

Ransack, the library formerly known as MetaSearch 2.0

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A couple of nights ago, I pushed Ransack to GitHub. What’s Ransack? Well, previously I was calling it MetaSearch 2.0, and it’s a complete rewrite, not unlike the MetaWhere 2.0 development in the rewrite branch (a name change is also forthcoming for MW 2.0, if you’re curious). Why change names? A few reasons:
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Filed under Blog
Apr 1, 2011

The MetaWhere 2.0 Rewrite


If you or have been following the rails core mailing list lately, you might have seen mention of the MetaWhere rewrite I’ve been working on. If you haven’t, let me start by linking you to the rewrite branch on GitHub. This is just a quick post explaining why I’m rewriting it, and why you should care.

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Filed under Blog
Feb 18, 2011

When to use alias_method_chain


Recently, I stumbled upon a fork of one of my projects in which someone made a really intelligent-sounding commit: “Remove needless indirection of alias_method_chain.” He used the term indirection, so I was duly impressed, and my curiosity was piqued: had I sinned against the programming gods and used an alias_method_chain when it wasn’t needed? No, I hadn’t. alias_method_chain is frequently abused in the Rails world, but it wouldn’t exist if there wasn’t a valid use case.
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Filed under Blog
Feb 3, 2011

attr_bucket, A Gem for Your Lolrus Model


Good evening, Internet! I hope you had a wonderful and productive workday. Now, with those pleasantries out of the way, I’d like to point you in the direction of a little gem called attr_bucket that I am regretful for having written even as I type this blog post suggesting you go try it. That is because this gem, while tiny and unassuming, has tremendous potential for evil.

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Filed under Blog
Jan 27, 2011

How Writing Libraries Restored my Faith in Open Source


37signals recently announced that they intend to drop support for OpenID authentication in their products. Good move. Even as a geek — someone who understands the reasoning behind OpenID — I’ve always found the actual implementations of OpenID to be needlessly cumbersome. But that’s not what this post is about. This post is about how a parenthetical in a comment by DHH on a HN post about the news helped me realize something huge about my experiences in the open source community.
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Filed under Blog
Jan 25, 2011