Confounding URL typists since 2007.

Tag Archives: squeel

What’s new with Squeel?


Why, I’m glad you asked! It’s been a while since I’ve made any updates about Squeel — since before RailsConf, actually! A lot’s been added since then.
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Filed under Blog
Jul 3, 2011

Squeel 0.6.0 released


I’ve been hard at work trying to finish up Squeel before RailsConf (if you’re going, and you’d like to meet up, feel free to stalk me). Here’s what’s new since my last post:
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Filed under Blog
May 4, 2011

Introducing Squeel!


Not too long ago, I mentioned that a rename for MetaWhere 2.0 was coming. It’s here, and the new name is Squeel. A lot has happened since my post about the rewrite a couple months ago, but before we get into that, a bit about the name…
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Filed under Blog
Apr 13, 2011